Markdown test for reallyreallyreally long titles
Opening paragraph. Stevenson had long been intrigued by the idea of how personalities can affect a human and how to incorporate the interplay of good and evil into a story. While still a teenager, he developed a script for a play about Deacon Brodie, which he later reworked with the help of W. E. Henley and saw produced for the first time in 1882.
Normal paragraph
It’s very easy to make some words bold and other words italic with Markdown. You can even link to Google! End. Start
- No props
- Empty strings
- Non existing article
- Link to self, only paragraph, “Character counter”
- Link to self, “Character counter”
Link to self (
), “Character counter” - Other article, no paragraph
- Other article, invalid paragraph
- Other article, ok paragraph
Stevenson had long been intrigued by the idea of how personalities can affect a human and how to incorporate the interplay of good and evil into a story. While still a teenager, he developed a script for a play about Deacon Brodie, which he later reworked with the help of W. E. Henley and saw produced for the first time in 1882. In early 1884 he wrote the short story “Markheim”, which he revised in 1884 for publication in a Christmas annual. One night in late September or early October 1885, possibly while he was still revising “Markheim,” Stevenson had a dream, and upon wakening had the intuition for two or three scenes that would appear in the story.
Character counter
40---00010-----00020-----00030-----00040 80---00010-----00020-----00030-----00040-----00050-----00060-----00070-----00080
This text will be italic This will also be italic
This text will be bold This will also be bold
Strikethrough example Strikethrough
You can combine them
Sometimes you want numbered lists:
- One
- Two
- Three
Sometimes you want bullet points:
- Start a line with a star
- Profit!
- Dashes work just as well
- And if you have sub points, put two spaces before the dash or star:
- Like this
- And this
“Coffee. The finest organic suspension ever devised… I beat the Borg with it.”
- Captain Janeway
Headings 3
Headings 4
Left-Aligned | Center Aligned | Right Aligned |
col 3 is | some wordy text | $1600 |
col 2 is | centered | $12 |
zebra stripes | are neat | $1 |
Table example
Math (docs)
Some math on the same line: , , ,
Or, some math in a block
Here is some inline code
in the middle of sencence
Code block
Github style:
/*** A namespace for utility methods.*/util: {encode: function encode(tokens) {if (tokens instanceof Token) {return new Token(tokens.type, encode(tokens.content), tokens.alias);} else if (Array.isArray(tokens)) {return;} else {return tokens.replace(/&/g, '&').replace(/</g, '<').replace(/\u00a0/g, ' ');}},}// some comment here!
With figcaption
def showputs "Outputting a very lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ong lo-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-ong line"@widget = Widget(params[:id])respond_to do |format|format.html # show.html.erbformat.json { render json: @widget }a += 1 # commentendend# comment 1# comment 1# comment 1# comment 1# comment 1
MNIST samples. Image taken from Michael Nielsen’s “Neural Networks and Deep Learning”. Distributed under MIT Licence. Example

MNIST samples. Image taken from Michael Nielsen’s “Neural Networks and Deep Learning”. Distributed under MIT Licence. Example